The Writers Best Friend……

…… A Powerful Smartphone



I recently bought a powerful smartphone (the Moto g4), not my first smartphone but certainly the first powerful one. For the first time in my life I can now do more than make phone calls, send texts and mindlessly scroll through my social media feeds.



Using this phone is an absolute pleasure, whereas before it was a chore (sometimes tortuous) . Waiting 30 seconds for the page to load or for the app to open, inspires no one. In fact quite the opposite you can practically feel the enthusiasm leaking from every pore with each passing second. Now instead, I’m filled with a feeling of boundless potential and optimism. All thanks to a small, affordable, consumer device that fits in the palm of my hand (and can be carried in my pocket); undoubtedly a positive mindset for any creator to be in irrespective of what they happen to be creating. Especially when it can be had for under $200 or £160

Work from anywhere and Work while waiting

This phone allows me to work from anywhere. I’m no longer shackled to the office. Now I can work on the go. Whenever and wherever the inspiration strikes. If I have a spare moment on my lunch break; whilst waiting in line at the grocery store; at a bus stop; for a late client. I can now use this time wisely. I can whip out my phone and get to work, responding to comments, emails or writing/editing a piece for chefpreneur.  [freaking amazing!]

Female store cell phone close-up

Carrying a phone in 2016 is commonplace. You aren’t gonna get any funny looks when you whip it out in a crowded public place, (so long as you’re not at a funeral you’ll be fine). The same cannot be said though if you pull out a tablet or laptop!

The benefits

My new smartphone enables me to take notes faster than I can with a pen, organise them more efficiently. Modify/edit them 100 times more easily (adding ideas to pieces I’m currently working on, rearranging sentence structures, replacing words, or slicing away the unnecessary fat I collected in the drafting phase. In short making progress on whatever I’ve written in the office.  This feeling, (the feeling of making progress,) is something I treasure immensely and is vital for keeping my enthusiasm high and my self esteem intact.

Likewise I can continue working on ideas I began on my phone when I get back to the office.

And let’s not forget about the great pictures and video you can take. Now I can instantly capture a moment or series of moments to refer back to later or upload to social media. This phone also allows me to stay connected with my audience.  And what about all the great business tools, such as the ability to create and give presentations, sign documents, do banking and conduct video calls / conference calls. By taking advantage of the amazing ever expanding array of apps.

Information at your fingertips


As I alluded to earlier, you can surf the web in style and at speed with a powerful smartphone: meaning 24/7 access to the greatest knowledge and entertainment resource in the history of humanity, more information than you could possibly imagine. Need directions? Turn to your smartphone; need to brief yourself with some background information? Turn to your smartphone; need to fact check a minor detail? Turn to your smartphone; forgot what ingredients you need to buy when you’re at the supermarket? No problem, turn to your snazzy smartphone load up the food blog where you got the recipe and voila! Crisis averted.

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So for the few people who don’t have a good phone. you truly don’t know what you’re missing out on. You don’t know how much productivity you are letting slip through your fingers.



Some of you will have much better phones than the one I’ve just got. So if you’re not using it to help you create your dreams, as a productive content creation tool then what’s your excuse? Don’t take these incredible tools for granted? Use them to help you achieve your entrepreneurial ambitions.



  • Battery lives vary from phone to phone, so make sure you invest in a portable battery pack as a back for when you need it.
  • Make sure you get a cell plan with an ample data allowance to comfortably cover you needs.

P.S approximately 60% of this post was written and edited on my moto g4 🙂

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