What going to the library says about you?
Going to the library signifies that you are interested enough in something to spend some of your valuable time learning about it; time you could’ve spent doing something else. Which indicates that whatever the thing is, knowledge of, or about it, is important (i.e valuable) to you; you believe that possessing this knowledge or information will be useful to you in some way. (i.e. it will be a productive investment. It will help you achieve, attain or get something that you otherwise wouldn’t have gotten, or gotten as much of, had you not being in possession of said information. The First Step It’s important to realise that the act of seeking out information/knowledge from others on something (‘going to the library’) is an important step, (so much so that) typically it is the first step, or one of the first steps, we (if we are wise and prudent) will take upon making the decision to undertake a practical activity/skill for the first time or when we are unexpectedly confronted with a challenging situation or set of circumstances. It could be financial, medical, physical or emotional in nature. Whatever it is when we are unsure of how to proceed or when