What going to the library says about you?

Going to the library signifies that you are interested enough in something to spend some of your valuable time learning about it; time you could’ve spent doing something else. Which indicates that whatever the thing is, knowledge of, or about it, is important (i.e valuable) to you; you believe that possessing this knowledge or information will be useful to you in some way. (i.e. it will be a productive investment. It will help you achieve, attain or get something that you otherwise wouldn’t have gotten, or gotten as much of, had you not being in possession of said information. The First Step It’s important to realise that the act of seeking out information/knowledge from others on something (‘going to the library’) is an important step, (so much so that) typically it is the first step, or one of the first steps, we (if we are wise and prudent) will take upon making the decision to undertake a practical activity/skill for the first time or when we are unexpectedly confronted with a challenging situation or set of circumstances. It could be financial, medical, physical or emotional in nature. Whatever it is when we are unsure of how to proceed or when

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The Writers Best Friend……

…… A Powerful Smartphone   I recently bought a powerful smartphone (the Moto g4), not my first smartphone but certainly the first powerful one. For the first time in my life I can now do more than make phone calls, send texts and mindlessly scroll through my social media feeds.     Using this phone is an absolute pleasure, whereas before it was a chore (sometimes tortuous) . Waiting 30 seconds for the page to load or for the app to open, inspires no one. In fact quite the opposite you can practically feel the enthusiasm leaking from every pore with each passing second. Now instead, I’m filled with a feeling of boundless potential and optimism. All thanks to a small, affordable, consumer device that fits in the palm of my hand (and can be carried in my pocket); undoubtedly a positive mindset for any creator to be in irrespective of what they happen to be creating. Especially when it can be had for under $200 or £160 Work from anywhere and Work while waiting This phone allows me to work from anywhere. I’m no longer shackled to the office. Now I can work on the go. Whenever and wherever

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I know it’s been a while since I last posted anything on this site. I want to apologise for that. But sometimes life stuff gets in the way and side projects get relegated to the side lines. With this post I hope to change all of that. Personal admission I’ve found myself slipping into a perfectionist trap. Obsessing over every sentence, every piece of punctuation in every single post to the point of exhaustion. That’s not going to happen any more, from now on I’m going to be posting regularly to ensure that I’m delivering value to you guys.

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The Importance of Correct Knowledge

We frequent ‘the Library’ when we wish to improve our ability to perform an activity/skill (get to the next level). This shows the importance we place on having correct knowledge and the influence that our level of knowledge has on the course of actions we choose to pursue. Knowledge/new information not only influences goal selection (what we desire, aim at, wish to achieve.) but also our means selection (the way in which we intend to go about getting what we want; the tools, equipment and tactics we shall use to bring the desired state of affairs into being.) Incorrect knowledge? Incorrect knowledge are beliefs,we hold, which we think are true but, in reality, are not. It can come in the form of an incorrect theory of causality (what ’causes’ produce what ‘effects’) where the means selected have no possibility of bringing about the achievement of the outcome (someone performing a rain dance to make it rain) or in the form of a mistaken instance. (believing that the earth is the centre of the solar system.) Why is correct knowledge important? Correct knowledge is vital for consistently achieving our desired ends. If we want to get money out of an ATM,

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Why we go to the library?

Of course it’s impossible to list all of the reasons people have or conceivably could have for wishing to learn from others. Instead, I shall try to list what I see as general motivating factors and the ones most relevant to this project. To get answers to questions We go because we seek answers; because we believe that the answers to our questions are to be found there (that other people have knowledge. That we can learn from them and that by doing so we will be better off). It is a mark of wisdom to recognise the value of learning from others. Learning from others typically means either learning from their mistakes or learning from the energy and effort that they have invested into investigating, understanding and finding the truths of a certain subject. If we wish to accomplish anything practical, it’s wise and prudent to go (at least initially) to ‘the library’, (i.e. seek the wisdom and guidance of others, who have actually either achieved what you want to achieve and/or thought far longer and harder about a subject than you have.) The saying ‘Don’t try to reinvent the wheel’ springs to mind. To avoid wasting resources. To

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The Library

Introduction In this post I shall: introduce and explain a figurative expression (“going to the library”); give examples to clarify its meaning and other important details; explain the necessity of it being so broad in scope and why I think it’s important. Idioms An idiom is a word or phrase that is not to be taken literally. They have a meaning other than the basic meaning that you find in the dictionary. For example, ‘break a leg’ is an idiom which does not literally mean to break your leg but to do your best and do it well. What is “The Library”? When I speak off ‘the library’/‘going to the library’/‘being in the library’ I’m not referring to a physical space (a room or a building containing books, {fiction and non-fiction} newspapers, magazines and computers) or a place that you actually go to for some reason. Instead it’s an idiom for the act of seeking out the knowledge, information, ideas and wisdom of others (aided-learning). Examples When you consult a friend hoping to get their advice on a particular issue or topic, you are in “the library”. When you are searching YouTube/the internet for a product review, you’re in “the

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Who’s the Audience / Reading – Friend or Foe

Who Chefpreneur.me is aimed at This work is ideally designed for people who are neither professional chefs nor business owners/entrepreneurs. For those who are stuck in ‘learn mode’, who have a blinding passion for entrepreneurship but just can’t seem to take the first step(s) needed to get the ball rolling; who have read a small library full of business books but for whatever reason have not taken the plunge. I know this place well, I know this person well, because this was me before I developed an interest in learning how to cook (for both intellectual, dietary, and health reasons). I know the awful feeling of being stuck, paralyzed by the thought of failure, unable to make any real/tangible progress towards achieving my goals, whilst simultaneously fooling myself into thinking that by reading a lot I was using my time in an effective and efficient way when In truth I was staying well within my comfort zone – there is no risk of failing when all you do is read (whether it’s reading a recipe, reading cooking tips and tricks, reading business/management books, or reading the biographies of successful entrepreneurs to gain their secrets, the hidden wisdom which surely lies

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