Why we go to the library?
Of course it’s impossible to list all of the reasons people have or conceivably could have for wishing to learn from others. Instead, I shall try to list what I see as general motivating factors and the ones most relevant to this project. To get answers to questions We go because we seek answers; because we believe that the answers to our questions are to be found there (that other people have knowledge. That we can learn from them and that by doing so we will be better off). It is a mark of wisdom to recognise the value of learning from others. Learning from others typically means either learning from their mistakes or learning from the energy and effort that they have invested into investigating, understanding and finding the truths of a certain subject. If we wish to accomplish anything practical, it’s wise and prudent to go (at least initially) to ‘the library’, (i.e. seek the wisdom and guidance of others, who have actually either achieved what you want to achieve and/or thought far longer and harder about a subject than you have.) The saying ‘Don’t try to reinvent the wheel’ springs to mind. To avoid wasting resources. To